Episode 9: What's Eating the Mac Pro?

You Macs Have Nothing to Worry About. I’m a Professional.

For our ninth regular show, first we look back at an exciting fortnight, including the our special coverage of the March 25th Apple event, the escalating spat between Apple and Spotify, a date has been set for WWDC, the return of CorelDraw, preliminary rulings in the Apple/Qualcomm patent war, and a wrap up to the saga of the Keychain flaw. In the HomeKit Chronicles, we take a deep dive into the IKEA Tradfri lighting system as we continue to look at all things lights. In our main topic, we speculate on the semi-announced Mac Pro revision and discuss where we've been, the good, the, band, and what we want to see in the most pro of all pro macs in 2019.

Show Notes:

Follow Us:

Our show is edited by Nathan Mace (antiwraith on Ars). Our theme song is composed by the wondrous Space Vixen, who you can find on twitter @cat_cornett and their music at spacevixen.bandcamp.com.

You can find Dan on Twitter @kefkafloyd. Against his better judgement, Jake is now on twitter @jakepugh. You can leave feedback by tweeting @icongardenshow or posting on the Icon Garden thread at the Mac Ach forum by going to http://bit.ly/tigsthread . You can subscribe to our show on your podcast platform of choice, or visit our website at icongardenshow.com.

Next Time in the Garden:

A Visit to the Fruit Stand