Episode 22: iOS 13 is the Lucky Number

Episode 22: iOS 13 is the Lucky Number

If only they had released it on Friday the Thirteenth.

For our twenty-second regular show, our main topic is iOS 13 in all it's mobile glory! In the fortnight, we talk new iPhones and Watches in the wild, Apple not letting "slofie" die, initial impressions of what Apple is getting right and wrong with Apple Arcade, Google Chrome creating problems for some Macs, and Dan gives us a mini-review of the new Adobe Fresco. In the main topic, we talk about a rough beta cycle and what we love and not-so-love about iOS 13 on the iPhone so far. It's takes hot, cold, and lukewarm as we update our devices, old and new!

Show Notes:

Follow Us:

Our show is produced by Nathan Mace (antiwraith on Ars)and edited by Dan Vincent. Our theme song is composed by the wondrous Space Vixen, who you can find on twitter @cat_cornett and their music at spacevixen.bandcamp.com.

You can find Dan on Twitter @kefkafloyd. Against his better judgement, Jake is still on twitter @jakepugh. You can leave feedback by tweeting @icongardenshow or posting on the Icon Garden thread at the Mac Ach forum by going to http://bit.ly/tigsthread . You can subscribe to our show on your podcast platform of choice, or visit our website at icongardenshow.com.

Next Time in the Garden:

Special Guest Zac Hall of 9to5Mac